Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own house. Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to a next door neighbor... Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting.
Mother Teresa

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The day began very early...

after days of brilliant sunshine, the familiar patter of rain on our skylight awakened us...and first rational thoughts were of the car windows down. Aww...what an inconvenience...

this rain gave us no head's up, no prep time, its persistence was un-letting.

And so it is with life. It isn't always sunshine. We can find ourselves in a steady rain, or maybe even a raging storm...and there was no warning, no time to prepare. Or maybe the shadows of worry and fret are relentlessly pattering and decidedly clouding the day.

It happens...and we all seek refuge from it. We can "glass half full" and make the best of it for awhile, but not for very long.

Because we weren't meant to brave the storms alone. He is there, and He is our Wing of Shelter.

I needed to remember that as the emotions of worry rained on my day. With nine kids, there is always a worry, in fact, many, many . And I find myself talking to God throughout the day as I try to turn those anxious thoughts to Him over and again. He is my resting place, my Shelter.

But sometimes, like the rain, our very real emotions persist. And even when I don't like it, I'm glad that they do.

Thank you that we are able to deeply feel --fear and sadness , loneliness and loss, annoyance and anger, and know that they are significant, real emotions...

but they are valuable, restorable, and replaceable--with time, and His graceful care. He wants to envelop us in those difficult emotions, and carry us through them.

When we recognize that bounty....that the more we learn to accept the duration of the rain and lean on Him during it, it begins to seep deep into our soul to renew parched roots, and to find richer beauty.

Its rewards make themselves known as it subsides, and we are richer for it, more compassionate, more usable,
...and we are able to experience the good emotions with the same kind of passion and richness.

Our littlest endures a lot. It has been a journey. There has been rain, sometimes steady ...dripping.. Yet her future is so bright , and we rejoice in that.

But the duration of the rain isn't over for her. It isn't for any of us. And as she was casted for her next orthotics, I found my self praying that I would help her learn to endure well, all the while she is teaching and showing me the same.

Oh,... the sun will shine...allot...we will bask in every bit of it, and when not... our Shelter will be there for her and for us...always.

--Casting first foot and leg... Q a little wary--

and then the other...

and I love the look they gave one another...

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