If I could be normal and reasonable about it, I would call the local spot, order the latest model and have it delivered, installed, and the defunct one hauled away....be done with it.
But after wanting to kick the thing hard for conspiring to fail about a month after the warranty expiration, I take on the task of the "quest".
And, I am reminded once again, after a few days of this intensive search for a "deal", that the whole appliance dynamic is meant to frustrate...
finally causing us to expend our last emotional energy by giving in to whomever can get it "there" the fastest; because you are desperate and will hand over any amount.
Lessons to be learned for me...and that have needed to be learned repetitively by me...
All the local adds for used ones are total goose chases.
There is a pattern...finding the one you "think" you want and being talked into it by super salesman.
You google it up, only to find that famous "2.8 out of 5" approval rating (where to they get that??)
...with some raving reviews about its quietness and efficiency,
... quickly knocked a dead blow by "honest in Cincinnati", whose review says "run, don't walk away from this wreck of an appliance" .
---Which by read's end, awakens visions of demons unleashed in your kitchen and the machine eating Grandma's China, while leaving the everyday wear crying out for Mr. Clean. UGH
And to top it off, as you know; the appliances in your kitchen are all kind of leering at you, coercing you to guess which one will go next, cause they all have about the same life span.
Conniving-ly meant to end when most the kids are in braces and at least two are in college. (which for us could be any of 15 years of our life past, present and future :)
So,the quest continues...but I promise it will end this weekend. Done...
Tucked into calls and trips to sears and lowes and home depot and handyman joe, and bella vista restore-er man, LIFE is full and good and packed with lots of the FLAVORS of May.
Our Landry graduates high school this week, and we are celebrating him! more to come on that.
Carter made "center snare" of the drum line for his huge high school band ...and we did a little proud momma and dad button poppin' about that.
Kylie left with breathy excitement on her first trip away without me or dad. One of her school clubs is on its well planned trip to Minneapolis, and she was a bundle of questions and hugs and last snuggles and anticipation as she took off...
Kimber's dance recital is tomorrow, and it is totally scrumptious.
Quynh is recovering well, and has been cute, naughty, engaging, trying, and eager to get back on her "feet". This kid amazes us every day...
It has been raining gallons, but last night gave us a little break, and after a fun shopping trip with Kimber to look for glasses, I headed to the farm at dusk...my therapy...ENJOY...
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